miércoles, 27 de julio de 2011

Beach Sand, by Raymond A. Foss

Maybe it is the memoriesthe change of pace that brings us therethe sense of vacation
maybe the smell of the place
e sights of the gulls, the dunes, the grassesbut oh it is the feel of it,

the crunch and slide of itthe feeling of beach sand
so different from dirt, soil, loam
no, not earthy, moist, rich,but oh so granular and gritty
even when wet,
moveable paper spreading under toes
sliding beneath the solessmoothing my skinclearing my mind
unburdening me of the rest
drawing me to the tactile, the feel
of beach sand

miércoles, 20 de julio de 2011

5 Interesting Facts about Belize

1. 2/3 of the Belizean natural forest is safe from exploitation due to strict government regulation

2. It is culturally rude to greet someone by their first name when meeting them for the first time in Belize.

3. Superstition on Good Friday prevents Belizean natives from swimming in lakes or the ocean during this time for if they do it will not provide good fortune.

4. Typical Belizean lunch include tamales, meat pies, seafood, cassava or beans and fish.

5. Belize has a rare breed of howler monkey that is known as one of the top ten loudest animals in the world.

miércoles, 13 de julio de 2011

No shirts, no shoes.. no problem

No shirts, no shoes, no problem; that is the slogan of the Ambergris Caye the most famous island off the coast of the jungly Belize, the slogan dues to the warm and sunny weather of this island. The Ambergris Caye has not fast food restaurants, chain hotels or designer stores but the warm hospitality of the 8,000 people in the area, the entertaining nightlife, the first class hotels and restaurants, and the tranquility of the place enchants anyone who visits this place. The most known and preferred method of transport is golf carts. Honeymooners love to go to the Ambergris Caye and enjoy a romantic sunset with the warm sun on their backs, the cool breeze in their hair, the relaxing sound of the waves, and the serene sound of palm trees. The abundance of tropical fish and other inhabitants of the Caribbean Sea make this exciting for everyone. Doesn’t Ambergris Caye sound as paradise on earth?

The Sunbreeze Hotel is one of the most popular hotels at Ambergris Caye, visit our web page and get more information: http://www.sunbreeze.net/

miércoles, 6 de julio de 2011

Traveling Tips: Traveling with Children

If you are visiting Belize with children, here some tips that can help you deal with all little details that are really important when traveling with children.

  1. Plan ahead: Ask yourself what supplies you will need to have on hand to take care of any normal or special needs for the child.
  2. Prepare for possible emergencies: Make sure you are aware of emergency equipment or procedures that would apply to your child.
  3. Take all essential items for the children in the luggage: Take enough food, diapers, medicine, and other items to last through possible flight delays and lost luggage. Carrying all the child's essentials with you is especially important if your child is on a special diet or on medication.
  4. Keep your children under control at all times: YOU and not the flight or hotels attendants are responsible for supervising your child at all times.
  5. Seat your child away from an aisle: Small children enjoy reaching out and exploring, but if they are on the aisle they could get hurt if their little arms get bumped by a person or serving cart passing down the aisle. Ideally, two responsible adults should sit on either side of the child. Also, one can seat the child on a row with a window on one side and a responsible adult on the other.
  6. Keep your child belted or in a child restraint system at all times: Flight turbulence or a car crash can happen at any time and without warning, so keep your child belted in as much as possible.
  7. Bring along safe toys: Try to avoid bringing along toys that are sharp, heavy, or that break easily but let them bring a safe toy or game which can entertain him or her during the trip.

At Sunbreeze Hotel we love children and that is why we want them to stay totally safety when traveling.